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Collected Poems and Verse of the Austen Family

Jane Austen

Edited by David Selwyn

Cover Picture of Collected Poems and Verse of the Austen Family
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Categories: 18th Century, 19th Century, Women
Imprint: Fyfield Books
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (144 pages)
(Pub. Dec 1996)
£9.99 £8.99
  • Description
  • Author
  • This volume of verse by Jane Austen and her family contains all the known poems by Jane herself and a selection of work by her sister Cassandra, four of her brothers, uncle James, her nieces Anna and Fanny and her nephew James Edward Austen-Leigh (author of the Memoir). It is clear that her mother influenced her verse writing: Mrs Austen was a skilful, witty practitioner, and all her extant poems are included. Three generations' work can be found within the covers of this volume.

    Verse-making was a social activity, a game of greeting, or charades, or bouts-rimés. Generally the poems in this volume are arranged by author, but David Selwyn has included three sets of verse arranged in their playful sequence. He provides an introduction and explanatory notes and takes texts from autograph manuscripts or from the earliest copy. His transcriptions are precise in terms of spelling, punctuation and layout. Textual notes draw attention to significant variants.

    Jane Austen
    Jane Austen was born on 16th December 1775. Over her literary career, Austen produced six novels that displayed a dinstinguishing sense of character. Although only modestly succesful over her lifetime, her novels have rarely been out of print since.  ... read more
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