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End of the Pier Show

Andrew Waterman

Cover Picture of End of the Pier Show
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
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  • . . . Thrilling through all, the ceaseless song
    Of high birds; casually punctuated by
    Patterings as of a brief shower along
    The grasses as breeze stirs; and by
    The time we rise, from open sea
    Flooding the channel comes the tide;
    Brimmed and linked
    Waters from quay
    To causeways; and to ride
    At last our ebb to sleep, the slow
    Tinklings of mast and halyard, music so Distinct.

    from `Postcards from Norfolk (1):Blakeney'

    With each successive collection Andrew Waterman extends his themes and forms, including more and more of the visible and audible world, finding new ways of expressing the music and the laughter. The End of the Pier Show contains lyrics, elegies, satirical and reflective poems. It ventures into the personal and historical past and finds ways of expressing nostalgia without sentimentality. Waterman illuminates the animal world and the world of human creatures in love, in grief, in parenthood. Waterman sides with Coleridge:
    `poetry has for its immediate object pleasure'. Here pleasures of all kinds abound.
    Praise for Andrew Waterman 'His imagination teems with the kind of detail one expects from a novelist: to find it coupled to such metrical dexterity is rare indeed. A great entertainer, Waterman is essentially a serious poet'
    Poetry Review
    'Waterman is a serious poet, always interesting and intelligent, a writer who extends his range with each book.'
    Julian Symons, The Sunday Times
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