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Is There a Church of England?

C.H. Sisson

C. H. Sisson - Is there a Church of England? (Cover)
Imprint: Lives and Letters
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Hardback (180 pages)
(Pub. Jul 1993)
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  • Description
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  • Reviews
  • The worries many people have about the Church of England and its future are not confined to the matters most hotly debated in Synod. C. H. Sisson does not pretend to have answers. What he does, in pieces which range over more than four decades, is to touch on a variety of urgent questions - from current arguments over the language of the liturgy to political relationships. To this he brings a long-standing interest in the history and literature of the church as well as in its current doings.

    His approach is not academic: he sees parish affairs from the perspectives of a churchgoer, non-churchgoer and ex-churchwarden, and government in the light of his experience at Whitehall and abroad. Above all, the book is the work of a poet, translator and critic for whom language is a matter of vivid contemporary concern.

    Born in Bristol in 1914, C. H. Sisson was noted as a poet, novelist, essayist and an important translator. He was a great friend of the critic and writer Donald Davie, with whom he corresponded regularly. Sisson was a student at the University of Bristol where he read English and Philosophy. ... read more
    Praise for C.H. Sisson `His poems move in service of the loved landscapes of England and France; they sing (and growl) in love of argument, in love of seeing through, in love of the firm descriptions of moral self-disgust; they move in love of the old lost life by which the new life is condemned.'
    Donald Hall, New York Times Book Review
    'I think he is worth a place on the short shelf reserved for the finest twentieth-century poets, with Eliot and Rilke and MacDiarmid.'
    Robert Nye, the Scotsman
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