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New Selected Poems

Shuntaro Tanikawa

Translated by William I. Elliott and Kazuo Kawamura

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Categories: 20th Century, 21st Century, BAME, Japanese, Translation
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (184 pages)
(Pub. Oct 2015)
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(Pub. Jan 2015)
£10.39 £9.35
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  • Description
  • Author
  • Reviews
  • Shuntarō Tanikawa has been the most inventive modern Japanese poet, ever since he published Two Billion Light Years of Solitude (1952), his first book, aged twenty one. Undamaged by Japan’s post-War trauma, he took up the language and ran with it. He has continued running. When in 1968 his first Collected Poems appeared the critics noted at once his popularity and his refusal to compromise with the negative tones that dominated the poetic palette of contemporary Japan. He has published more than sixty books of poetry, lyrics, prose poems, narratives, epics and satires. He has experimented in form and theme, combining clarity with subtlety. This new selection supplements his original Selected Poems published by Carcanet in 1998.
    Shuntaro Tanikawa
    Shuntaro Tanikawa produced some 60 books of poetry (some of them best-sellers) and won every major Japanese award for his writing. An English translation of his work received the American Book Award in 1988. His work has been translated into 15 languages and ten selections have been published in English. He ... read more
    William I. Elliott
    William I. Elliott is Professor of English and American Literature at Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama. ... read more
    'What poetry and protests have in common, perhaps, is that they are both a means to interfere with the noise of dominant culture. The poetic voice of the Japanese master Shuntaro Tanikawa allows us to perceive our life and take a break from it, when we are left at a loss to deal with it alone.'
    PEN Hong Kong Favourite Books of 2017

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