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Ros Barber

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Imprint: Anvil Press Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (96 pages)
(Pub. Oct 2008)
£9.99 £8.99
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  • Ros Barber’s second book forms a meditation on human loss; it is a more personal and autobiographical collection than her first, described by Neil Rollinson as ‘an honest, unflinching and hugely satisfying debut’. Sarah Law described her as ‘a ‘traditional’ contemporary poet along the lines of Larkin’ and it is Barber’s sure hand with rhyme and meter that gives the hard material of these poems (both personal losses and those experienced through others) their steady focus and makes them so readable. Throughout, the poetry remains strong, thoughtful and refreshing.

    Ros Barber is a lecturer in English and Comparative Literature at Goldsmiths, University of London. In addition to three collections of poetry, the last of which was a Poetry Book Society Recommendation, she has published two novels. Her blank verse novel The Marlowe Papers (2012) was shortlisted for the Bailey's Women's ... read more
    Praise for Ros Barber  'an honest, unflinching and hugely satisfying debut'
    Neil Rollinson
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