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Selected Poems

Vicki Raymond

Vicki Raymond - Selected Poems Cover
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (96 pages)
(Pub. Jan 1993)
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  • That forest spreading over half the earth
    is almost gone, and no one marks the year
    by different sorts of dropping from the deer;
    our rivers have more to do with death than birth.
    Still, Julian, exile, murderer and host,
    your story grows in us...

                                            (from 'The Legend of Julian')

    This Selected Poems by award-winning Australian poet Vicki Raymond is her first British publication, though her work has appeared widely in journals and anthologies. She is an unusually gifted poet in traditional forms, with a telling sense of humour which can be playful or savagely satirical. It is a rare pleasure to read poems of such natural virtuosity, ambitious in theme and wide-ranging in subject matter, yet unpretentious in voice and generally cheerful in tone.
    Born in 1949 in Daylesford, in the Australian State of Victoria, Vicki Raymond spent most of her first thirty years in Tasmania, where she completed her education and worked at the University of Tasmania, Hibart. Since 1981 she has lived in London where she works as a finance clerk at Australia ... read more
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