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Epigrams and The ForestBen JonsonEdited by Richard Dutton
Categories: 17th Century
Imprint: Fyfield Books Publisher: Carcanet Press Available as: Paperback (128 pages) (Pub. Apr 2003) 9781857547054 Out of Stock
To thee, my way in epigrams seems new,
When both it is the old way, and the true. Thou say'st, that cannot be: for thou hast seen Davies, and Weever, and the best have been, And mine come nothing like. I hope so. Yet As theirs did with thee, mine might credit get: If thou'ld'st but use thy faith, as thou didst then, When thou wert wont t'admire, not censure men. (from 'To My Mere English Censurer')
Ben Jonson (1572-1637) is overshadowed as a dramatist by Shakespeare, his great contemporary. As a poet, however, he stands high. His polished urbanity, direct expression and classicism have been especially valued in modern times. T.S. Eliot says Jonson 'incorporated his erudition into his sensibility', creatively assimilating Horace, Martial and Juvenal into his poetry and hence into English literature. Richard Dutton's introduction illuminates the structure and context of Jonson's Epigrams and The Forest. Dutton shows them to be carefully structured poem sequences that display Jonson's command of poetic forms and involve the reader in evaluating a range of shifting perspectives. Jonson's recurrent theme, the nature of truth and virtue, is as pertinent today as it was in his own time.
Table of Contents
Introduction A note on the text and punctuation A note on the Notes Select bibliography EPIGRAMS Dedication to William, Earl of Pembroke I To the Reader II To My Book III To My Bookseller IV To King James V On the Union VI To Alchemists VII On the New Hot-Houses VIII On a Robbery IX To All, To Whom I Write X To My Lord Ignorant XI On Something, that Walks Somewhere XII On Lieutenant Shift XIII To Doctor Empiric XIV To William Camden XV On Court-Worm XVI To Brain-Hardy XVII To the Learned Critic XVIII To My Mere English Censurer IVIX On Sir Cod the Perfumed XX To the Same Sir Cod XXI On Reformed Gamester XXII On My First Daughter XXIII To John Donne XXIV To the Parliament XXV On Sir Voluptuous Beast XXVI On the Same Beast XXVII On Sir John Roe XXVIII On Don Surly XXIX To Sir Annual Tilter XXX To Person Guilty XXXI On Bank the Usurer XXXII On Sir John Roe XXXIII To the Same XXIV Of Death XXXV To King James XXVI To the Ghost of Martial XXVII On Chev'ril the Lawyer XXVIII To Person Guilty XXIX On Old Colt XL On Margaret Ratcliffe XLI On Gypsy XLII On Giles and Joan XLIII To Robert, Earl of Salisbury XLIV On Chuff, Banks the Usurer's Kinsman XLV On My First Son XLVI To Sir Luckless Woo-All XLVII To the Same XLVIII On Mongrel Esquire XLIX To Playwright L To Sir Cod LI The King James. Upon the happy false rumour of his death LII To Censorious Courtling LIII To Old-End Gatherer LIV On Chev'ril LV To Francis Beaumont LVI On Poet-Ape LVII On Bawds, and Usurers LVIII To Groom Idiot LIX On Spies LX To William, Lord Mounteagle LXI To Fool, or Knave LXII To Fine Lady Would-Be LXIII To Robert, Earl of Salisbury LXIV To the Same LXV To My Muse LXVI To Sir Henry Cary LXVII To Thomas, Earl of Suffolk LXVIII On Playwright LXIX To Pertinax Cob LXX To William Roe LXXI On Court-Parrot LXXII To Courtling LXXIII To Fine Grand LXXIV To Thomas, Lord Chancellor LXXV On Lip, the Teacher LXXVI On Lucy, Countess of Bedford LXVII To One that Desired Me Not to Name Him LXXVIII To Hornet LXXIX To Elizabeth, Countess of Rutland LXXX Of Life, and Death LXXXI To Prowl and Plagiary LXXII On Cashiered Capt(ain) Surly LXXXIII To a Friend LXXIV To Lucy, Countess of Bedford LXXXV to Sir Henry Goodyere LXXXVI To the Same LXXXVII On Captain Hazard the Cheater LXXXVIII on English Monsieur LXXXIX To Edward Alleyn XC On Mill, My Lady's Woman XCI To Sir Horace Vere XCII The New Cry XCIII To Sir John Radcliffe XCIV To Lucy, Countess of Bedford, with Mr Donne's Satires XCV To Sir Henry Savile XCVI To John Donne XCVII On the New Motion XCVII To Sir Thomas Roe XCIX To the Same C On Playwright CI Inviting a Friend to Supper CII To William, Earl of Pembroke CIII To Mary, Lady Wroth CIV To Susan, Countess of Montgomery CV To Mary, Lady Wroth CVI To Sir Edward Herbert CVII To Captain Hungry CVIII To True Soldiers CIX To Sir Henry Nevil CX To Clement Edmonds CXI To the Same, on the Same CXII To a Weak Gamester in Poetry CXIII To Sir Thomas Overbury CVIV To Mrs Philip Sidney CXV On the Town's Honest Man CXXVI To Sir William Jephson CXVII On Groin CXVIII On Gut CXIX To sir Ra(l)ph Shelton CXX Epitaph on S.P. CXXI To Benjamin Rudyerd CXXII To the Same CXXIII To the Same CXXIV Epitaph on Elizabeth, L.H. CXXV To Sir William Uvedale CXXVI To His Lady, then Mrs Cary CXXVII To Esmé, Lord Aubigny CXXVIII To William Roe CXXIX To Mime CXXX To Alphonso Ferrabosco, on his Book CXXXI To the Same CXXXII To Mr Joshua Sylvester CXXXIII On the Famous Voyage The Voyage Itself THE FOREST I Why I write Not of Love II To Penshurst III To Sir Robert Wroth IV To the World V Song: To Celia VI To the Same VII Song: That Women Are But Men's Shadows VIII To Sickness IX Song: To Celia X ('And must I sing? What subject shall I choose?') XI Epode XII Epistle to Elizabeth, Countess of Rutland XIII Epistle to Katherine, Lady Aubigny XIV Ode to Sir William Sidney, on his Birthday XV To Heaven Notes |
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