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Gavin Bantock

Imprint: Anvil Press Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Hardback (32 pages)
(Pub. Jun 1972)
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  • Description
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  • Gavin Bantock’s challenging new poem is written in the form of an Euclidean theorem. It sets forth a proposition, often in a sharply satirical and polemic vein, for world peace.

    Mr Bantock is ‘not afraid to think big, to stick out his neck, and to write of man’s fragile vanity’, as Kevin Crossley-Holland wrote of Juggernaut. In Eirenikon his account of mankind’s pollution both of the world and himself, is violent and disturbing; but it is finally a humanistic poem written for love of man – with vigour, humour, irony and a striking originality of style and method.

    Gavin Bantock, born in England in 1939, wrote his long poem Christ (1965) while at New College, Oxford. He has lived in Japan, where he taught English and drama at Reitaku University. His books include A New Thing Breathing (1969), Anhaga (Anglo-Saxon translations, 1972), Eirenikon (1972), Dragons (1979), Just ... read more
    Awards won by Gavin Bantock Short-listed, 1988 Arvon Foundation International Poetry Competition Winner, 1969 Eric Gregory Award Winner, 1966 Poetry Society's Award Winner, 1964 Richard Hillary Award
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