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The Rags of Time

Peter Levi

Imprint: Anvil Press Poetry
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (96 pages)
(Pub. Jul 1994)
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  • The Rags of Time adds recent poems written on the deaths of two poets, Nikos Gatsos and Constantine Trypanis, and the sculptor Elisabeth Frink to the six laments included in The Echoing Green (1983) and Shakespeare’s Birthday (1985). These sustained meditations, ‘more ragged and more raggedly felt than elegies’ in Peter Levi’s words, record and celebrate with gravity, compassion and wit nearly forty years of friendships. The poems are personal yet formal, ‘the more to be admired’ – as Anne Stevenson wrote of the poems in The Echoing Green – ‘because they are never affected in their elegance.’

    Peter Levi (1931–2000) was elected Professor of Poetry at Oxford University in 1984. Until 1977 he was a Jesuit priest. He was a classicist whose writing includes three uncategorizable books – on modern Greece, Afghanistan, and the English landscape – as well as translations, critical and scholarly works, a thriller and ... read more
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