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an admirable concern to keep lines open to writing in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and America.
Seamus Heaney

Tim Liardet

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  • Twice shortlisted for the T.S. Eliot prize, Tim Liardet is the recipient of many literary awards and Arcimboldo’s Bulldog: New and Selected Poems is his eleventh book of poems. Liardet was born in London, educated at the University of York, and worked variously and travelled widely before moving into higher education. He has reviewed contemporary poetry for an extensive number of journals and newspapers, including the Guardian, Poetry Review and PN Review, and his poetry has been translated into Farsi, Macedonian and German. He has judged many competitions, not least for the Poetry Society, run workshops for the Guardian, taught a wide diversity of specialist courses for the Arvon Foundation, for various festivals and institutions in the United States and, from 2016 to 2018, was a Poetry Book Society selector. He has performed his work on BBC Radio Three and BBC Radio Four and at many major festivals and venues, including the Ars Interpres Festival, Stockholm, the Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin, the Royal Festival Hall, Cambridge Public Library in Boston, the KGB bar and other locations in New York, plus a range of different venues in New Hampshire, Maine and Pennsylvania. He is Professor of Poetry at Bath Spa University.
    'Tim Liardet's poetry is a concentration of intelligence, fierce but accurate feeling and an encompassing imagination ... Arcimboldo's Bulldog is the work of an exemplary poet at the top of his craft.'
    George Szirtes
     'These intense long-lined verses freeze the chance encounter in cubist arrangements played out in echo chambers and halls of mirrors, as the lovers adjust to their new situation. The lyric line is stretched to accommodate their instability, as images become more fractured. This technique brilliantly succeeds in describing the aftermath of one meeting, each moment in the process of exploding. Liardet immerses us in an installation of momentous force.'
    Pascale Petit (T. S. Eliot Prize Judge's Report, 2016)
    'Tim Liardet makes the human macabre dazzle in the dark.'
    Gwyneth Lewis 
    'It is rare for a book of poems to bring an original and deeply poetic talent to a human story as Tim Liardet does in this collection. There is horror in the story he tells, but Liardet takes the horror to its storm-lit root. The Storm House is a book of poems like no other. It is true poetry, sensationally assembled.'
    Peter Porter
    Awards won by Tim Liardet Short-listed, 2015 TS Eliot Prize (The World Before Snow)
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