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Zoe Lambert

Zoe Lambert
Books by this author: Ellipsis 2
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  • Zoe Lambert is a Manchester based writer. She has an MA in Creative Writing at UEA and a PhD from Manchester Metropolitan University. She lectures on the creative writing MA at the Universities of Bolton and Edge Hill. She was the founder of cult Manchester literature night, Verberate, and is a member of the board of the Northwest Short Story Network. She is an active campaigner for the rights of asylum seekers. Her fiction has appeared in Lamport Court, Bracket and The Independent on Sunday. A sequence of her stories first appeared in Ellipsis 2 (Comma, 2006). Her first full collection The War Tour was published in 2011.
    Praise for Zoe Lambert 'Reading  'The War Tour' is like wandering through a labyrinth of the unexpected,  full of marvellous things... Lambert gazes into the abyss and does not flinch.'
    3:AM Magazine
    'A startling good collection of stories by a confident writer. Reading it is like taking a masterclass in how to do it well.'
    MsLexia Magazine
    'Lambert's  collection presents a carefully balanced picture of the world's combat zones... The writing is disarmingly plain and to-the-point... a kind of narrative ambush... I'd recommend that you read these.'
    The Guardian
     'Ranging confidently across time and place, Lambert's stories are sharply observed, moving, and continually surprising.'
    Jane Rogers
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