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Your list has always been interesting, idiosyncratic, imaginative and your translations [...] have been a source of pleasure to me.
Al Alvarez

Andrew Young (1885 - 1971)

Books by this author: Selected Poems
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  • Andrew Young (1885-1971) was born in Elgin and went to school, university and theological college in Edinburgh. In 1920 he moved to Sussex where he spent the rest of his fife. As a clergyman he started his career as a Presbyterian minister and concluded it as a Canon in the Church of England. Among his honours he received the Queen's Gold Medal for Poetry (1952) and an honorary L.L.D (Edinburgh, 1951).
    Praise for Andrew Young (1885 - 1971) 'Poem of the day with Lesley Duncan' The Beech-Wood: 'There is a touch of the vaguely sinister ... but the zest of the salmon leap banishes any dark thoughts'
    The Herald 10.12.2019 (Selected Poems, Paperback, 1e)
    'Poem of the day with Lesley Duncan'
    The Herald 14.12.2015
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