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Quote of the Day
I'm filled with admiration for what you've achieved, and particularly for the hard work and the 'cottage industry' aspect of it.
Fleur Adcock

20th Century

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Cover of Collected Poems Collected Poems (2e) Henry Reed
Ed. Jon Stallworthy
Paperback 2e £11.65
Cover of Mornings in the Dark: The Graham Greene Film Reader Mornings in the Dark: The Graham Greene Film Reader (2e) Graham Greene
Ed. David Parkinson
Paperback 2e (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of Selected Poems Selected Poems Thomas Kinsella
Paperback £13.49
Snow Part Paul Celan
Trans. Ian Fairley
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of IT IT Inger Christensen
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Raving Language: Selected Poems 1946-2005 Friederike Mayrocker
Ed. Richard Dove
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of A Worldly Country A Worldly Country John Ashbery
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of Purity of Diction in English Verse and Articulate Energy Purity of Diction in English Verse and Articulate Energy (2e) Donald Davie
Paperback 2e £17.09

Cover of The Long Weekend and The Reader over Your Shoulder The Long Weekend and The Reader over Your Shoulder Robert Graves and Alan Hodge
Hardback (Currently Out of Stock)
Cover of Edgar Allan Poe and the Juke-Box: Uncollected Poems, Drafts and Fragments Edgar Allan Poe and the Juke-Box: Uncollected Poems, Drafts and Fragments Elizabeth Bishop
Ed. Alice Quinn
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
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