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Cover of Translations from Memory Translations from Memory Fred D'Aguiar
Paperback £11.69
eBook (EPUB) £9.35
Cover of The Multiverse The Multiverse Andrew Wynn Owen
Paperback £8.99
eBook (EPUB) £7.19
Cover of The Ink Trade: Selected Journalism 1961-1993 The Ink Trade: Selected Journalism 1961-1993 Anthony Burgess
Ed. Will Carr
Paperback £17.99
eBook (EPUB) £14.39
Cover of Arcimboldo's Bulldog: New and Selected Poems Arcimboldo's Bulldog: New and Selected Poems Tim Liardet
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
eBook (EPUB) £10.79
Cover of Venus as a Bear Venus as a Bear Anthony (Vahni) Capildeo
Paperback £8.99
eBook (EPUB) £7.19
Cover of New Poetries VII: An Anthology New Poetries VII: An Anthology Ed. Michael Schmidt
Paperback (Currently Out of Stock)
eBook (EPUB) £9.35
Cover of Rough Breathing: Selected Poems Rough Breathing: Selected Poems Harry Gilonis
Paperback £15.29
eBook (EPUB) £12.23
Cover of The Cemetery in Barnes: A Novel The Cemetery in Barnes: A Novel Gabriel Josipovici
Paperback £8.99
eBook (EPUB) £7.19
Cover of Blotter Blotter Oli Hazzard
Paperback £8.99
eBook (EPUB) £7.19
Cover of Unearthly Toys: Poems and Masks Unearthly Toys: Poems and Masks Ned Denny
Paperback £11.69
eBook (EPUB) £9.35
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