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Quote of the Day
an admirable concern to keep lines open to writing in Ireland, Scotland, Wales and America.
Seamus Heaney

Selected Poems

Andrew Young

Edited by Edward Lowbury and Alison Young

Cover Picture of Selected Poems
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Categories: 20th Century, Scottish
Imprint: Fyfield Books
Publisher: Carcanet Press
Available as:
Paperback (320 pages)
(Pub. Nov 1998)
£12.99 £11.69
  • Description
  • Excerpt
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  • Reviews
  • Throw, Swilven, your dark shadow,
    And never let a day go down
    Without the monstrous mountain thrown;
    For, waking in a darker meadow,
    Still your inveterate lover,
    I may shake off earth's cover
    And flying in ghostly escapade
    Mingle your shadow with my colder shade.


    Andrew Young's poetry came into its own in the mid-1930s. He was nearly fifty when he achieved the terse, individual style of his maturity. Despite changes of fashion he remains popular; his unusual nature poems are widely anthologised. 'His works are in no danger of being forgotten,' Philip Larkin said; and C. S. Lewis: 'There has been nothing so choice, so delicate and so controlled in this century.'

    Selected Poems includes all of Young's best-known short poems and the extended mystical poem 'Into Hades'. A number of the poems are illustrated by Joan Hassalls' vivid wood engravings. The book has been assembled by the poet Edward Lowbury and his wife Alison Young, Andrew Young's daughter. They recently published a critical biography of Andrew Young, To Shirk No Idleness, which illuminates this enigmatic man whom Norman Nicholson regarded as 'one of the safest bets for immortality.'

    Andrew Young
    Andrew Young (1885-1971) was born in Elgin and went to school, university and theological college in Edinburgh. In 1920 he moved to Sussex where he spent the rest of his fife. As a clergyman he started his career as a Presbyterian minister and concluded it as a Canon in the Church ... read more
    'Poem of the day with Lesley Duncan' The Beech-Wood: 'There is a touch of the vaguely sinister ... but the zest of the salmon leap banishes any dark thoughts'
    The Herald 10.12.2019 (Selected Poems, Paperback, 1e)
    'Poem of the day with Lesley Duncan'
    The Herald 14.12.2015
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