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Collected PoemsEdward DornEdited by Jennifer Dunbar DornForeword by![]()
Categories: 20th Century, American
Imprint: Carcanet Poetry Publisher: Carcanet Press Available as: Paperback (1022 pages) (Pub. Nov 2012) 9781847771261 Out of Stock
For the first time the vast, experimental totality of Gunslinger poet Edward Dorn’s work is collected in a single volume. After studying with Charles Olson at Black Mountain College, Dorn took on the American West, developing an unmistakeable voice, ‘as evocative as a lonesome train whistle in the night’. Olson praised his ‘Shakespearean ear for syllables’. Taking his bearings from Pound and Williams, he found his own way, a pioneer in the old American way. “From near the beginning I have known my work to be theoretical in nature and poetic by virtue of its inherent tone.” Peter Ackroyd considers him ‘the only plausible, political poet in America […] one of the masters of our contemporary language.’ If Gunslinger is his major poem, the work that anticipates and surrounds it, wonderfully resourceful in tone and idiom, puts him on an equal footing with his masters.
The book includes an introduction by Jennifer Dorn, the poet’s widow, an appreciation by J.H. Prynne and an afterword by Amiri Baraka. Cover Image: Philip Behymer, Edward Dorn. Acrylic on Canvas. 42" x 36". 1982 (photo: Jennifer Dunbar Dorn) Edited with a preface by Jennifer Dunbar Dorn, with Justin Katko, Reitha Pattison and Kyle Waugh
Preface by Jennifer Dunbar Dorn xxv
EARLY POEMS (1954–1960) Grasses 5 Relics from a Polar Cairn 5 Litany for Yellow Lamp 7 Store Scene 8 The Revival 9 Lines from a Sitting Position 9 The Rick of Green Wood 10 The Hide of My Mother 11 When the Fairies 17 A Stately Dance 18 For Ray (the 6th) 19 The 7th 20 THE NEWLY FALLEN (1961) Geranium 23 The Sparrow Sky 24 3 Farm Poems 1. The war 25 2. The touch 26 3. Goodbye to the Illinois 26 The Open Road 27 The Song 30 Sousa 31 The Biggest Killing 35 The Top List 38 The Prisoner of Bellefonte (pa) 39 Like a Message on Sunday 40 Our Camp 41 The Argument Is 42 A Country Song 43 The Common Lot 47 Prayers for the People of the World 48 For a Man 48 And Thus 49 There was a Change 50 If it should ever come 51 UNCOLLECTED POEMS (1961–1964) Nature their passing bell: an atonement 55 An Inauguration Poem 55 An Africa Ode 57 An Address for the First Woman to Face Death in Havana 57 An Old Love 60 The poet lectures famous potatoes 60 Overture to I 61 The Mountains 62 [Pocatello is black] 63 HANDS UP! (1964) Vaquero 67 The Deer’s Eye the Hunter’s Nose 67 Wagon Wheels 68 The Sea Corner, of the Eye 69 Trail Creek, Aug. 11, the Reason of Higher Powers 70 Home on the Range, February, 1962 72 Time to Burn 73 On the Debt My Mother Owed to Sears Roebuck 74 Obituary 75 The Tepee at Tomah 77 Death While Journeying 80 Ledyard: The Exhaustion of Sheer Distance 82 Los Mineros 85 In the Morning 86 The Land Below 87 Are They Dancing 104 Hawthorne, End of March, 1962 104 The Song is Ended 105 In My Youth I Was a Tireless Dancer 106 The Pronouncement 106 A Too Hopefully Bold Measure 107 The Air of June Sings 109 The Encounter 110 Hemlocks 110 Time Blonde 111 Unlike Music 112 Oh Don’t Ask why 113 A Fate of Unannounced Years 115 Hands Up 116 FROM GLOUCESTER OUT (1964) 119 NINE SONGS (1965) 127 GEOGRAPHY (1965) Song: The astronauts 137 The problem of the poem for my daughter, left unsolved 138 A letter, in the meantime, not to be mailed, tonight 145 Inauguration poem #2 147 West of Moab 151 Idaho Out 153 Six views from the same window of the Northside Grocery 168 Daffodil song 171 Song [my wife is lovely] 171 Love song [for Lucia] 172 Love song [for Cathy] 172 A vague love 173 Another vague love 174 Song [Oh Gods of my disembarked soul this is sad] 174 A wild blue, yonder 175 In the shadow 175 Song [If the world] 176 A song [There is a blue sky] 177 The explanation 177 Chronicle 178 Song [So we somewhat stagger together] 179 Song [Christ of the sparrows Help me!] 180 Parlor car beer 182 Poem in five parts 182 Song [This afternoon was unholy, the sky] 185 Dark ceiling 186 This March afternoon 187 Song: Heat 188 The reception 188 Song: We shall refrain from them 190 The smug never silent guns of the enemy 191 Fort Hall obituary: A note 192 Mourning letter, March 29, 1963 193 Eugene Delacroix says 194 Song: Venceremos 196 Dwarfing with chemicals: A promising agricultural technique 198 The sense comes over me, and the waning light of man by the 1st National Bank 199 Song: Ritual party in an alley 203 A luxurious jungle in which 204 Song: Europa 205 For the new union dead in Alabama 206 UNCOLLECTED POEMS (1966) My age from a map to illustrate that the reconstructed North Atlantic Continent has an essential Structural Unity by F.J. Fitch 211 A provisional fragment, congested with 3 titles 212 The World Box-score Cup of 1966 214 THE NORTH ATLANTIC TURBINE (1967) Thesis 233 The first note (from London 234 England, its latitude and some of its conditions, the seriousness of ghosts 236 A Theory of Truth The North Atlantic Turbine 240 Oxford Part I. Fornication 249 Part II. In Town 252 Part III. Comforted by Limestone 252 Part IV. An Epistolary Comment: knowing none of it accurately, the world can be surveyed 253 Part V. Whit Sunday 259 Part VI. Of the “English” Colonies 264 On the Nature of Communication September 7, 1966 269 Wait by the door awhile Death, there are others 270 A morning to remember or, E pluribus unum 276 A Notation on the evening of November 27, 1966 277 An idle visitation 279 Song [Again, I am made the occurrence] 282 The Sundering U.P. Tracks 283 UNCOLLECTED POEMS (1968–1969) To Tom Pickard and the Newcastle Brown Beer Revolutionaries 287 Song [Mydew my meadow] 289 This Is the Way I Hear the Momentum 289 The Midwest is that Space Between the Buffalo Statler and the Lawrence Eldridge 291 Notice how a vaster Crystal of Lives comes around 294 The Cosmology of Finding Your Place 295 [It was in a dream] 297 TWENTY-FOUR LOVE SONGS (1969) 303 SONGS: SET TWO—A SHORT COUNT (1970) 319 UNCOLLECTED POEMS (1971–1974) An Exercise 331 Osawatomie 334 Spectrum Breakdown: A Microbook A Microbook 339 Door County—South Dakota Time (with Jennifer Dunbar) Rowly Bay 341 D. County aug 19th 342 Salty Story by Lac Michigan 342 Cove 342 Wisconsin Gives Rise to a German Idea 342 In a Dream 342 The Eight-Day Reply 343 An Island Projected From the MindBooth Into the Off Shore Waters of the Michigan Side, Complete with Palms and Coconut-happy Inhabitants 343 What a Man He Thought of Everything 344 On the Edge of the Badlands 344 An Impertinent Change 344 How Far are you willing to go? 345 The Naumans 345 Pure Description 345 The Poem Called Alexander Hamilton 346 The Kultchural Exchange 347 an oecological prophecy 350 Heavy Acquisition 352 Easy’s Best 353 [Seven Poems from Tens] [RAW WAR] 354 Los Caballos Cimarrones 354 Coinage 354 Two-part Poem (with Kid 354 Indicative 355 The Loathesome Cowboys 355 Curved Glass 355 The Poet Lets His Tongue Hang Down 356 Executioner, stay thy cold blade 358 The Octopus Thinks with Its Arms 359 The History of Futures 359 The Stripping of the River 361 Niedecker 361 [Mesozoic Landscape] 362 [green poems] 363 RECOLLECTIONS OF GRAN APACHERÍA (1974) First Lines 367 [It is bright to recollect] 368 [The first law of the desert] 368 [The children of both sexes] 368 [They are of many clans] 368 Victorio 369 Nana & Victorio 369 Dress for War 370 Bounty Time 370 The Provoking Figure of the Horsewoman 371 Geronimo 371 Juh & Geronimo 372 Nanay 372 [When Geronimo was in Washington for the Inauguration ...] 373 Fifteen Hundred Tons of Hay @ 1¢ per Pound 373 The Moving, Invisible Spectre of the Phratry on the Traitor Peaches 374 A Period Portrait of Sympathy 375 [When the Boundary Commission] 375 Assorted Compliments 376 Reservations 376 Creation 379 The Whole European Distinction 381 Personum 381 [The original monuments of perception] 382 [Out of the Sunset movement] 382 [So The infant is bound] 382 [By the time they are let out] 383 The Slipping of the Wheel 383 [Gen. Miles imagined] 384 Immured in Florida La Máquina a Houston 384 GUNSLINGER (1968–1975) Book I (1968) 389 Book II (1969) 431 The Cycle (1971) 475 Book III (1972) 499 Book IIII (1975) 531 Prolegomenon 533 MANCHESTER SQUARE (with Jennifer Dunbar) (1975) Home Again 591 Manchester Square Autumn 591 Winter 592 Spring 592 Bond Street Stash 592 Grosvenor Square 593 Mount Street 593 Audley 594 St. Christopher’s Place 594 Carlos Place 595 Backstreet Society 596 Dear Herbie 597 Manchester Square [Our friends portray the time here] 597 HELLO, LA JOLLA (1978) PREFACE 599 A for Ism 599 Suppertime Down South 601 Shifting an Interference with Nature to a Scientific Obstruction 601 Del Mar 602 Wet Cake 602 What Will Be Historically Durable 603 The Upwardly Mobile, and the Backs which Provide the Ladder 603 Chicken Relativity 604 An Opinion on a Matter of Public Safety 604 Beyond the Air Bag 604 Beware the Plural of Usual 605 The Blue and the Green: Drugs and the Market 605 You’re Supposed to Move Your Head, Not Your Eyes 606 The Sociology of Games 607 In Defense of Pure Poetry 607 How Can One Not Blush to Accept Pay For Defending the Country 607 ALASKA: in Two Parts 608 Flywheel Programs Distraction Control 612 Spuw Slang 612 Period Westerns 612 Matchbook Covers I’ll Probably Never Publish 613 On the Other Hand 613 Light & Regularity 613 On Stooping for Money 614 Category A Footnote 614 The Russian Quote 614 The Nature of the Phone 614 Routine 615 The Las Tycoon (A Review 615 Stuff the Voice-Print 615 Rauschenberg’s Untitled (Early Egyptian Series 615 In Which We Are Paid the Dubious Political Compliment of Opposing Messages 616 Reapportionment of the Ceegar 616 The Sanders Quote 616 Claim Inspection 617 A Tour of the Capital 617 A Thorobred Named Supreme Act 617 Sirius in January 617 The Broughton Quote 617 A Short Study of Death 618 Upping the Ante on Detente 618 Among the Draperies of Definition The Cobbett Quote 618 Correct usages of some words widely misused or abused in modern conversation & poetry 618 The Baron Macaulay Quote 621 An Unusual Accounting Treatment 621 What Is This Thing Called Contemplation 622 Lending a Hand to the Inanimate 623 1 0 1: One O one, that great Zero Resting eternally between parallels A View, From 101 624 [Easy, Oakland] 624 Here and Now 625 Inspection 625 Don’t Get Your Hopes Up 625 A Sense of Place 626 People of Earth 626 Man of Distinction 626 An Unremote Recombinant 626 The Burr Quote 627 2 Gulls Sittin On the Richmond Bridge 627 Esperanto 627 Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, A Variation for Dr. Christian Barnard 628 The Gadsden Purchase Revisited 628 If Somebody Asks You Where You Come From Remember 629 A Variation on Vallejo’s #III 629 Palms, Victory, Triumph, Excellence 630 Sunset 630 YELLOW LOLA, FORMERLY TITLED JAPANESE NEON (HELLO, LA JOLLA, BOOK II) (1980) Note 1: The Address 633 Note 2: The Procedure 633 Tuesday 2 March 1976: Weather Report 633 [Environmental carcinogens] 633 (101) [cultural idea imbalanced] 634 The Rezanov film script 634 [Alaska wants to be a nation] 634 Loose goose, tight shoes & cold igloos 634 Political? 635 A Discovery 635 101 [he was sidetracked] 635 The Fence, or the Bauhaus Outhouse 636 Proposition 13 636 [Sometime, the scent of fear sweeps over us] 636 Public Notice 636 Trees 637 [A Pontificatory use of the art] 637 the boundary condition 637 group analysis 637 Living with the enemy 638 The metric system 638 [next year will be the 100th] 638 [Recycling is an after-work recreation] 639 [Recycling has grown to be] 639 Bumpersticker 639 [the family is] 639 Rancho Canaille, or Propositions for Living with the metaphor of Cancer 640 Hall of Flowers 640 Suctorial 640 gnawed tongues 640 Torture 641 The Sonoma County Line: They always had a dirty sink 641 Tortured 641 [the sky is fixed] 641 The Death of Howard Hughes 642 Hughes 642 Rediform: 30 gal. water from corp. yd. 642 Super 642 In defense of Quality 643 22 January 643 One of the increasingly urgent searches in writing today is to find an adequate exclamation 643 The Evolution of Energy from Tennessee to Cumbria 644 Wanted 645 Manzanita 645 [I see a lot of people] 645 Jimtown 646 Night Watchman, look to my flashlight 646 It is dangerous to be alive 646 101 [numbers are the only entities] 646 [those hunchbacks out back have a lot of crust] 647 Evolution 647 Grammatical problem 647 Eternal Vigilance (AM 101) 647 The Word (20 January 1977) 648 the script, but not necessarily the cure 648 Trailers 648 People who call in are sick 648 Post ’76 649 Useful 649 [Alaska is] 649 The Plague: just another Metaphysical question 649 The Whiner, Obnoxious as ever, at latest report 650 Books I have read while Driving 650 101 [The Poet must always] 650 The Rape of Deer Creek as it passed thru Lot ? Section etc. Plat ? etc. by a hominid named Miller, a former resident of mean local reputation 651 [Happiness is a violent emotion] 651 [I wouldn’t go back for god’s foot] 651 [Humanity divides neatly] 651 [It is said poetry audiences] 652 [One must not be guilty] 652 [It’s an undeniable law] 652 At Jack Spicer’s Bar 652 Television & Children 653 [“one must not be unkind”] 653 [I don’t give a dog turd] 653 Manzanita (II) 654 A protest against still another empty-minded choice 654 Another tobacco poem 655 The intellection of patterns 655 [I have an excellent, if unconventional, memory] 655 After-effects of WWII: Washington Square, San Francisco 1977 656 [I can believe Panama is the most] 656 [1 Billion Chinese are telling me] 656 [A reminder to the folks] 656 Success? 657 The Dee Young Quote (in Boulder) 657 [now & then there is a chance] 657 The song of the vulgar boatmen 657 [At least one increase has maintained itself] 658 [The caucasian horde completes] 658 Alaska Revisited 658 Not so bad after all 658 A question of appetite 659 Colorado 659 Whole Cars, full of dogs 659 Au Barre, in The Gold Hill Inn 659 a poem w/a french sound 659 I wish they could all be california cars 660 “The Party” 660 2nd Chautauqua 661 3rd Chautauqua 661 4th Chautauqua 661 5th Chautauqua 662 La Culpa 662 Advice revised 662 The Bible 662 The Human Truck 663 CAPTAIN JACK’S CHAPS OR HOUSTON/MLA (1983) Essential Introductory Matter 667 DEPLANING, & getting learnt 669 A Piece of Advice: It is Far Better to Copter in, but Even That Way You Can Lose a Blade 670 At the Cowboy Panel 671 GOD CREATES MAN! 672 Sunday Morning in the Murdered Territories 673 Maximum Ostentation 673 Some More Ostentation 676 Adios to Ostentation 677 The Triumph of the Hominids 678 Hotel Harley Down by the Bayou, As Dick prepares for New York And I turn my thoughts homeward. 679 ABHORRENCES: A CHRONICLE OF THE EIGHTIES (1990) ABHORRENCES: Baseline Vocabulary introduced by the Rawhide Era 683 [Print the invasion money] 684 [one bullet] 684 [Every Man] 684 Never Lose an Enemy, if you can help it 684 Los Ochentas 685 The Protestant View: 685 Generic Eighties 685 While You’re at it 685 Wait Till the Christians Hear About This! 686 Not Good, but Getting Better: dog fights on the increase in Denver. 686 Apocryphal or not ... 687 The Vulgarity of Positive Reinforcement or Putting Away Childish Things 687 Casting the First Puffball 688 A Decision Taken with Little Thought and Even Less Pain 688 Flatland 689 Lemma Japonaise 689 Rough Passage on I-80 690 Homo Sap: 695 Boulder Mundane 695 World View Solipsized 696 The Ed Meese Scrolls 696 Not So Hard Wired, but something to do 696 Aid(e) Memoire 697 Smoke & Cinders: Some Thoughts on the Truckers 697 Touring the Bloated Void 698 I’ll never apologize again! 698 Ice is the lead of water’s gold 699 Recette Economique 699 Armalite Resolution 699 Self Criticism 700 Tuesday was a Fait Accompli, not a Raison d’Etre: an election scare story 701 There’s only one natural death, and even that’s Bedcide: For the post-mortem amusement of Richard Brautigan 702 It Could be Anyone 703 The Price is Right: A Torture Wheel of Fortune 703 The Wisconsin Hunters to the Chippewas 704 Worse than Tapeworm 705 Homage to Karen Carpenter 705 Products which are absolutely simple to despise in our state 706 He spits, therefore he is spittle 707 Novels Somebody With Nothing To Do Should Write 707 Evaporation as a career 708 Logical Appointments: or giving the People what they want by way of giving them what they deserve 708 The Turk 709 [“Why is wanting to kill Ronald Reagan...”] 709 Another Springtime in the Rockies (for P.M. 710 The Calendar Girl at Eddie’s 710 Weather Report 711 Something we can all agree on 711 These Times Are Medieval 712 Foreign Policy; another cheap import 712 Pow-Wow in Geneva 712 I like a Busy View 713 America, really, No Kidding, the Beautiful. 713 The crime depends on the judge 714 Eat All You Want 714 The Claptrap Nomenklatura of Western Regimes 715 California usage 715 Stop Complaining: On not being co-opted 716 Hate Without Style 716 Philippine Phenomenology 717 Lackey stacked upon lackey 717 By Definition 717 An Exception for Courtroom Behavior 718 Barbed Praise [I] 718 Barbed Praise [II] 718 An Old-Fashioned Problem: Cundurango won’t help 719 I’m Clean, how about you? 719 Why do they tell us what they tell us? 720 Harvesting Organs: On the Head-Injury Death of a 24 Year Old Boy in Vermont 721 Ode on the Facelifting of the “statue” of Liberty 722 Aincha sick of ’em? 723 Welcome Home 724 Jar Wars II 725 Proprietary Rights and Patented Germs 725 Cyndi Lauper 727 Entropy 727 Radio Nostalgia 727 Every example tells a story 728 On Losing One’s Coolant 728 America the Buick 728 Condom mania: the ins and outs 729 Hi Hype Budgette 730 The Public Service Message 730 Gargling Draino 731 Hazardous Sex (as distinct from “safe sex”) 731 A Circus of Hokum or how many cookie jars make a bushel 732 A Coup de Guerre in a Teacup 732 “An unrecorded act is not one that never took place” 732 A time to buy and a time to cry 733 Hand Held Refrigerator 734 Idle thoughts at the St Marks 20th anniversary reunion 734 The Differently Abled 734 The momentum of the excrementum 735 Off the Waldheim 735 Some Things Do Change 736 The Independent Boulder Woman 736 IBW toenote 738 Cooking the Corpse 739 Would You Repeat the Question 739 Martyrs Opera 740 Vizutek 740 Credo Alfredo 741 All in the name of child-proof caps 741 A Dispatch from the Front 742 The Hatch Catch 745 the hazards of a later era: variation on a theme 745 Silver’s Up a Nickel 746 Heart of Copper 747 So Long Pardner, you’re bound to be better than 1988 747 Nineteen Eighty Eight Maniac 748 Life is a Lake of lukewarm pinkish yellow snot 748 A question seldom asked and never answered 748 Permission Refused 749 Recollections of Advice to Whiteguys 749 Neolojizem 750 “Handle me lustily ... ere the blood-rush cease” 751 [“Where there is wealth] 751 Quatrain Naboko 752 Motel Superbo 752 Progress: slow but inexorable 753 Population Control in Boulder 753 Stupid as a One way street 754 Solo Pretendre 754 Oecological Caution 755 A Summer Evening in Boulder 755 Blunt Force Trauma 756 Don’t just stand there, get something! 757 Lock the Door 758 Thou Shalt Not Kill: Oh Yes I Will! 758 Holy Weenies 759 Smoke that Cigarette 759 The re-PUBlicans!!! 760 The result of a society composed of castaways 762 The Degeneration of the Greeks 763 Euphemismo Inc. 764 Don’t give up, it’s only natural 764 Rushdie Bumper Sticker 765 Mediocre Friday 765 The Sin Casas 766 Jim Wright 766 When Values Get Relative, Value Gets Going 767 Free Market Chinoiserie 768 Come to SOUTH AMERICA a Continental Theme Park 769 Routines, Immane proceedings, Handclaps 770 Panama: 770 A prayer for the destruction of all their works 771 The End 772 THE DENVER LANDING—11 AUG 1993 (1993) Prolog 775 Awful Rumors 776 The Great Muddy 777 Up the Platte 778 The Final Approach to Denland 778 from WESTWARD HAUT [formerly HI PLANE: A SAGA OF THE CROSSING] (1986–1999) El Peru/Cheyenne Milkplane Proläg 783 Aboard the Tan Am with Odin, a Dog of Judgement 784 Across the Cold Hiss of the Nightflight Odin Enters the Downlink 799 The Runaway Truck 802 Phaëthon’s Daughter 802 Ascending the Platte 804 Radicals on the Great Plain 806 from LANGUEDOC VARIORUM: A DEFENSE OF HERESY & HERETICS [formerly LANGUE D’OC AROUND THE CLOC] (1992–1999) Jerusalem 813 Bogumil 816 Shoko 821 TOMÁS TORQUEMADA—first Inquisitor General for all Spanish ∏ossessions and Master of the rooting out of disbelievers. 822 Notes on Béziers: the past as cauchemar 828 Albi, a Day Trip 832 Do the Simon de Montfort / Do le Busard 836 Ten Years in Gaul 837 Rome 838 Couvertoirade 839 On the Question of God’s Tolerance 840 Quelle Cité! 842 Millennial Miasma 843 OH NO! SHOKO! 844 Aigues Mortes 845 Avignon—the 2nd Babylonian Captivity 846 Dusk in Montpellier: a recollection prompted by Sharik, Bulgakov’s surgically transformed Dog. 847 Dismissal 848 Off-the-Books in Darien 849 Ah yes, Columbus Day, no mail 850 Fourteen Ninety Two: thoughts on the Genoan 850 Modern times à la Plage de Palombaggia 852 Bonifacio 852 Paoli 853 Le Drouot à Metro Richelieu (23 Juin, 1992) 854 Scarlatina 856 Petra Kelly—recalling German Green, 1992 856 Mordecai 857 Sniper on the Roof: the cheap elimination of heretics 858 LOW COUPS AND HAUT COUPS (1995–1998) How the Confederacy Finally Won the War (the birth of a franchise) 863 The Future as Fatal 863 Ambrose Bierce Studies the globe 864 The Traffic Report 864 Low Coupe Bumper Sticker 864 No Ideas in Things 864 HI COO 865 Early Modern 865 The Way We Are 865 No Coup 865 Way Coup (with the help of T.R.) 866 Another Modest Proposal 866 Usurae Usurarum 866 Peace with Violence 867 Low Coup, Long Overdue 867 Slow Coup 867 Beau Coup 867 Coups Noirs 868 ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPINE (1995–1998) Montana & Montaner 871 Denver Upbringing 873 Leaving Rawlins 875 Yellowstone 877 UNCOLLECTED POEMS (1997–1999) The pilgrimage, Christmas Day, Jamayca, 1997 881 The Screwball Crosses the Square 882 Dunlap ‘tired, alienated’ 884 Methodist child—Slow train through Denver 885 Open Letter to the Apache Nation 886 CHEMO SÁBE (2001) House Arrest 891 Sketches from Edgewater 891 Tribe 893 The Drugs Are Over-rated 894 Infusion Day 895 Chemo du Jour: The Impeachment on Decadron 896 The Dull Relief of General Pain—Oxycontin, Roxicodone and Codeine in General 899 Denver Dawn: With Ceiling Fan 900 The Decadron, Tagamit, Benadryl and Taxol Cocktail Party of 1 March 1999 900 White Rabbit 902 Prilosec 904 Iodine Fire 905 Enhancement 906 The Beat Goes On 906 Coffee 907 The History of the Future 907 Poetry Wants To Know 908 Droegs 908 Farewell to the Prairie 908 Therapy Bombardiers 909 Linear Acceleration 909 The Invasion of the 2nd Lumbar Region 911 The Garden of the White Rose 912 APPENDICES, AFTERWORDS, PUBLICATION HISTORIES, BIBLIOGRAPHY AND INDEXES Bean News (1972) 915 Prefaces, Jacket Notes and Introductions Preface to Idaho Out 923 Jacket note to Geography 924 Jacket note to The North Atlantic Turbine 924 Preface to Bean News 926 Preface to The Collected Poems, 1956–1974 926 Preface to Recollections of Gran Apachería 927 Introductions to Yellow Lola 928 Preface to Captain Jack’s Chaps or Houston/MLA 928 Introduction to High West Rendezvous: An Edward Dorn Sampler 929 Introduction to Chemo Sábe 931 Aferword by Amiri Baraka 933 Afterword by J.H. Prynne 938 Publication Histories 942 Bibliography and Further Reading 958 Index of Titles 963 Index of First Lines 980
'This monumental and superbly produced Collected Poems from Manchester's Carcanet Press should go some way to rectifying things, for it reveals the body of Dorn's lifelong work in poetry as an achievement of tremendous intelligence, scope and energy'.
Matthew Sperling, The London Magazine
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